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  1. Brostrom-Gould Procedure 27698

    ... (>250 pounds): concomitant Evans repair indicated Peroneal weakness (peroneal nerve pasly, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) ... Evans procedure: tenodesis of the peroneus brevis tendon to the fibula, by directly suturing the tendon to periosteum or securing ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/09/2018 - 10:52

  2. Syndesmotic Injury S93.439A 845.03

    ... fibula fracture (Maisonneuve). Ankle dislocation. Peroneal Tendon instability Syndesmosis Injury Complications ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/14/2021 - 13:56

  3. Ankle Fracture ORIF 27814

    ... fragments-prone position.  Incision between Achilles and peroneal tendons.  Avoid sural nerve. Find interval between FHL and peroneal ... Syndrome CRPS DVT / PE Peroneal tendon pathology: associated with low plate placement with a prominent screw ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 09/26/2023 - 18:22

  4. Calcaneus Fracture S92.009A 825.0

    ... of the calcaneus include the sustentaculum tali, the peroneal tubercle, and the medial and lateral calcaneal tubercles. Tibial ... Anterior process Calcaneous fracture Peroneal tendon dislocation Ankle instability: ankle ligament rupture ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 04/19/2017 - 17:06

  5. Ankle Physical Exam

    ... feet extended off end of table.  The foot plantar flexes if tendon is intact.  No foot movement =  ruptured Achilles . (Thompson TC, J ...   Ankle Circumduction test: Indicates Peroneal tendon instability.   Malleolar percussion Test: ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/08/2018 - 12:33

  6. Subtalar Dislocation S93.316A 838.01

    ... an anastomotic sling with the artery of the tarsal sinus (peroneal).  Others=superior neck vessels from anterior tibial artery, Deltoid ... by a groove within which lies the flexor hallucis longus tendon. The Y-shaped, bifurcate talocalcaneal ligament forms a roof over this ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/16/2018 - 09:49

  7. Atraumatic Ankle Pain M25.579

    ... Lateral Ankle Instability Occult Hindfoot Fracture Peroneal Tendon Dislocation Peroneal Tendon Tendonitis / tear Posterior Ankle ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 04/19/2017 - 17:05

  8. Lateral Malleolus Fracture S82.63XA 824.2

    ... fibula bears 6-16% of body weight superficial peroneal n & sural n lateral saphenous nerve and posterior tibial nerve ... needle inserted just medial to the tibialis anterior tendon at the level of the ankle joint (White BJ, JBJS 2008;90A:731) . ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/13/2018 - 07:52

  9. Medial Malleolus Fracture S82.53XA 824.0

    ... fibula bears 6-16% of body weight superficial peroneal n & sural n lateral saphenous nerve and posterior tibial nerve ... needle inserted just medial to the tibialis anterior tendon at the level of the ankle joint  (White BJ, JBJS 2008;90A:731) . ...

    Ankle/Foot - eeorifgmailcom - 01/13/2018 - 08:22

  10. Abbreviations

    ... therapy to improve proprioception and strengthening of the peroneal muscles. They will follow up in 4 weeks aatsrisks We discussed ... or instability, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, tendon rupture, and the risks of anesthesia including heart attack, stroke and ...

    General - pgruttergmailcom - 08/24/2020 - 13:37