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  1. B34.1 Enterovirus infection, unspecified

    Category:  Infectious Disease ICD-10:  B34.1 ICD:  B34 Side:  Unspecified ICD-10CM Year:  2023

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 20:29

  2. J47.0 Bronchiectasis with acute lower respiratory infection

    Category:  Respiratory System ICD-10:  J47.0 ICD:  J47 ICD-10CM Year:  2023

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 20:45

  3. M01.X62 Direct infection of left knee in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere

    Category:  Musculoskeletal System ICD-10:  M01.X62 ICD:  M01 Side:  Left ICD-10CM Year:  2023 Location:  Knee

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 20:51

  4. O08.0 Genital tract and pelvic infection following ectopic and molar pregnancy

    Category:  Pregnancy ICD-10:  O08.0 ICD:  O08 ICD-10CM Year:  2023

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 21:03

  5. O41.1034 Infection of amniotic sac and membranes, unspecified, third trimester, fetus 4

    Category:  Pregnancy ICD-10:  O41.1034 ICD:  O41 Side:  Unspecified ICD-10CM Year:  2023

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 21:06

  6. P39.2 Intra-amniotic infection affecting newborn, not elsewhere classified

    Category:  Perinatal Period ICD-10:  P39.2 ICD:  P39 ICD-10CM Year:  2023

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 02/20/2023 - 21:07

  7. T81.43XA Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, initial encounter

    Category:  Injury ICD-10:  T81.43XA ICD:  T81 Encounter:  Initial ICD-10CM Year:  2022

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 01/24/2022 - 12:10

  8. T83.592S Infection and inflammatory reaction due to indwelling ureteral stent, sequela

    Category:  Injury ICD-10:  T83.592S ICD:  T83 Encounter:  Sequela ICD-10CM Year:  2022

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 01/24/2022 - 12:12

  9. T84.59XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal joint prosthesis, subsequent encounter

    Category:  Injury ICD-10:  T84.59XD ICD:  T84 Pattern:  Other Encounter:  Subsequent ICD-10CM Year:  2022

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 01/24/2022 - 12:12

  10. T84.622A Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal fixation device of right tibia, initial encounter

    Category:  Injury ICD-10:  T84.622A ICD:  T84 Side:  Right Encounter:  Initial ICD-10CM Year:  2022

    ICD-10 - eeorifgmailcom - 01/24/2022 - 12:12