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Shoulder Arthroscopy Normal Anatomy

Glenohumeral Portals
  1. Anterior inferior portal: 1cm below and just medial to coracoid process. Enters through the subscapularis tendon.anterior-superior portal
  2. Anterior superior portal: just medial to the anterolateral corner of the acromion, entering the joint just anterior to the biceps tendon.Establish anterior-medial portal
  3. Anterior medial portal: lateral to coracoid process entering just superior to subscapularis tendon.

Normal Long Head of the Biceps Tendon

  1. Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
  2. Biceps Labral Complex (Type I)
  3. Glenoid
  4. Anterior labrum
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Rotator Interval
  7. Humeral Head

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position

Normal Long head of biceps tendon exiting from glenohumeral joint (Biceps Exit)

  1. Long head of biceps tendon (normal)
  2. Intertubercual groove
  3. Humeral Head
  4. Anterior border of Supraspinatus

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position

Arthroscopic View of Subscapularis

  1. Rotator Interval
  2. Subscapularis
  3. Anterior labrum
  4. Glenoid
  5. Humeral Head

Arthroscopic view from beach chair position

Normal RTC / Rotator Cable
  1. Rotator Cable: an arching, cable-like thickening of the RTC. The rotator cable is 2.59 times the thickness of the rotator crescent that it surrounds and functions to stress-shield the rotator crescent. (Burkhart SS, Arthroscopy 1993; 9: 611-616)
  2. Rotator Crescent: thinner crescent of tissue that inserts into the greater tuberosity.
  3. Greater tuberosity insertion
  4. Humeral head

Arthroscopic view from posterior portal in beach chair postition.

Bare Area, Infraspinatus Insertion
  1. Infraspinatus insertion into greater tuberosity
  2. Bare Area
  3. Humeral Head articular margin

Arthroscopic view from posterior portal in the beach chair position.

Glenoid Articular Surface

  1. Glenoid (normal)
  2. Bare area of glenoid, normal
  3. Humeral Head
  4. Anterior Labrum

Arthroscopic view from posterior portal, beach chair position.

Bare Area

  1. Infraspinatus insertion (normal)
  2. Bare area (normal)
  3. Humeral Head articular cartilage

Arthroscopic view from posterior portal, beach chair position.

Superior Glenohumeral Ligament

  1. Long head of Biceps tendon
  2. Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
  3. Subscapularis Tendon
  4. Humeral Head

Buford Complex

  1. Cord like Middle Glenoumeral Ligament.
  2. Subscapularis
  3. Humeral Head
  4. Anterior-inferior labrum
  5. Glenoid
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